Study schedule is a way to solve various problems related to time and study. In this way, you can manage your time accordingly your study. Think once about your choice first then makes your schedule in that description. Make such timetable and let yourself follow it. You should stick to that information which you are learning on a daily basis. Now after learning, recall your studied work either you want it or not but it’s the only way to learn it enough. The best way is that you should study enough daily and try to memorize it by recalling it daily. So, in such a way you will be able to learn by heart and remember it on long terms. If you don’t do so means you are just wasting your precious time and getting no use of it.
Now find the most suitable way to schedule you study which will help you to ratio between fewer reviews to more recall. Firstly, separate out work in such a way that put those work on one side that are required to reviewed at different time intervals. Just study your work first then put your attention to recall your work. After recalling, mark your work that you have done that. After that review the already learn subject after three days for example Wednesday and Saturday then after sometime e reduces your time twice per week to once per week. It will help you to remember it always. After that, start recalling your work after 15 days. You must schedule these study times on the calendar. Then divide recalling time after three months, 9 months or more. As we know every person possesses a different brain and has different abilities to remember things. So according to your intelligence, divide your work and recall them. Consider that you have two subjects to recall per week, so just give 10 to 15 minutes to that work and try to memorize it. But don’t move ahead until you have done with that subject completely and perfectly. Then try to write it down. Because after learning, the best way to memorize it on long term is to write it down. But don’t cheat during writing. For example, if you cannot remember just go once again with your subject and then write it. Usually, after some time you may able to forget what you have learned before so by keeping an eye on it that what you remember or not learn it going. Give feedback to yourself continuously and then you will be able to recall it. Keep updating yourself with your subject until you got command over it.
Always remember, the best schedule of study is that study each subject daily little and recall it more times. You may able to teach that subject fast which you like most. But you have to remind every piece of your work. A study schedule will benefit you to memorize your subject from the heart. So recall more is the most suitable way to learn your subject
A study schedule